Spaces, Products Communication HIER Spaces, Products Communication HIER

Find your way - Maison de la Culture de Tournai

For Maison de la Culture in Tournai we have collaborated, with Atelier Blink ( for we cherish collaborations).
They have designed, and we have developed, produced, and installed, signage.

For Maison de la Culture de Tournai we have collaborated, with Atelier Blink (we cherish collaborations). They have designed, and we have developed, produced, and installed, signage.

Signage as a mean to guide, to inform, and to improve, the experience of the visitor, by giving clear signs, and directions, pointing at the different areas and programs within the center.
That’s what we do.

Photos & Video by Luciana L. Schütz AKA Lulu.

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Fabrication, Products Billas Thomas Fabrication, Products Billas Thomas

La Grande Halle

From light to language to signage, we used boxes of light to indicate the way and the services throughout the halls of the Halles de Schaerbeek.

This project commemorates a first collaboration with Studio Alvin. One amongst many hopefully. As we were delighted, to work with them.
Alvin are the masters of the graphics for this project, and we were commissioned the signage system for the Halles. For that, a word popped: light.

Light. Well. It lights.
It sets an ambiance, or emphasizes, elements over others.
Light. Well.
It glows and it shows.

Halles de Schaerbeek - Ixelles

It tells. the start, the end, of a show. It transitions, also.
There is a moment where it dims to black to then light specifically, something intended to be seen, leaving the audience in the dark. Literally.
Light is a language communicating queues. Indicating, time, and things.
It is a sign.

From light to language to signage, we used boxes of light to indicate the way and the services throughout the halls of the Halles de Schaerbeek.
The boxes are open, revealing what is happening in the backstage of the signage. Other signs are indicated on reused light globes, with a customized support, that brings back their purpose. To diffuse light.

It is a sign. It's a light

Pictures and video by Joe Khoury Studio
Big up to Justine and Antoine ;)

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Products, Fabrication Billas Thomas Products, Fabrication Billas Thomas


While the main sign is composed of floating letters slightly offset from the facade surface, the secondary signage uses the same material, brass, as a sheet, more like three of them spreading along the grid of the elevation, caressing the entrance of the school.

HIER designed, produced and installed

A prime new image for a cool secondary school: a new signage, for a new logo. This project is the fruit of a collaboration with Jihane Chartouni and Mohammad Hosso on graphic branding.
HIER designed, produced and installed, the physical manifestation of this new colourful logo: a brass signage, monochromatic, putting forward the geometry of the new logo, its elegance, and juxtaposing it with the sobriety of the architectural standing of the facade.

HIER designed, produced and installed,
HIER designed, produced and installed

While the main sign is composed of floating letters slightly offset from the facade surface, the secondary signage uses the same material, brass, as a sheet, more like three of them spreading along the grid of the elevation, caressing the entrance of the school, and hand painted by our recurrent collaborator Maks Signs. Brass is a material that evolves with time, matures, grows a patina of time.

Hier design studio
Hier designed
Design studio

Send you children there >>> ACE

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Products, Fabrication Billas Thomas Products, Fabrication Billas Thomas

Signs 4

While KOKOTTE is a food incubator, L’Auberge Espagnole is a retail incubator. Both are projects set by HUB Brussels to help businesses test their ideas before investing big. Both are constant spaces, with shops and restaurants varying throughout the year.

A signage for pop-up hosts.

A signage for pop-up hosts.
While KOKOTTE is a food incubator, L’Auberge Espagnole is a retail incubator. Both are projects set by HUB Brussels to help businesses test their ideas before investing big. Both are constant spaces, with shops and restaurants varying throughout the year.

The brief was to design a signage that has integrated lighting and that allows for change, and adapt to every new business. The signage has both a constant part and a variable one. While the white structure always remains, the two surfaces attached to it ever change.

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Products Billas Thomas Products Billas Thomas


A sign for MIKO/MIKO photography studio, inspired by Japanese Ramen restaurants


A sign for MIKO/MIKO photography studio, inspired by Japanese Ramen restaurants.

A sign for MIKO/MIKO
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Products Billas Thomas Products Billas Thomas

Le Local

Need for a sign without plastic and entirely recyclable for the “zero waste” restaurant Le Local


Need for a sign without plastic and entirely recyclable for the “zero waste” restaurant Le Local

Made in steel, galvanized steel and hand painted

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Spaces Billas Thomas Spaces Billas Thomas

1000 Lira w Lira

1000 Lira w Lira we revisited the “1 Dollar Shop” concept and adapted it to the Lebanese Lira, an inflated currency that looses its value as we go, for value is a controversial topic.

1000 Lira w Lira

In this project, 1000 Lira w Lira we revisited the “1 Dollar Shop” concept and adapted it to the Lebanese Lira, an inflated currency that looses its value as we go, for value is a controversial topic.
1 Dollar Shops, Pound shops, are shops where you find many materials.

1 Dollar Shops, Pound shops, all share 1 rule: no matter how big or small the product, or what it is made of, it is sold at the same unit price, 1, (here, 1000).

1000 Lira w Lira shop is a shop of a “1000“ materials all represented in “1”:

A plaster tile of 250*250*15 mm with 1 variable engraved hatch that symbolizes the different materials: steel, glass, brass, etc.

However in this shop, tiles are sold according to the material they are referring to. And therefore, a brass/plaster tile is more expensive than a steel/plaster tile, of course.
In this shop you can find a “1000” different products from designer clothes to photographs to illustrations, all sold at a “1000”. Well, the currency varies with each product and 1000 as a number is big or small depending to what it is referring to. So you will find cheap or expensive, but those are relative terms.

A “1 Dollar shop” is usually a saving store for the mass.
Geographically, this Lira w Lira shop is located in Beirut Central District, one of the most expensive and “luxurious” location in town: A location where saving stores were gentrified. This project aims to both honour and re-invite the middle mass, the “1000” to join the privileged “1” in a small shop of 30sqm with 1 big changing room of 55sqm, where the budget is somewhere in between. Big or small we mean.

Photos by: Joe Khoury

1000 Lira w Lira
is a shop of
1000 materials all represented in
1 and its 1000 architectural, symbolic hatches.
1000 Lira w Lira
is a shop where
1000 ideas are collaged in 1.
1000 looks are unified.
1 memory is divided, multiplied, and scattered to the mile.
1 idea is documented in 1000 steps.
Or even sold, 1000 times.
1000 Lira w Lira
is the shop of
1000 designers. More like 7, where 2 make 1.
But the rest is yet to come.
1000 Lira w Lira is the hyperbolic/understated story of 1000/Lira and everything around those 2.

1000 Lira w Lira shop is a shop
Design studio Bruxelles - Hier
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Products, OLD 01 Billas Thomas Products, OLD 01 Billas Thomas


Hand-painted sign for the riso printshop Rosi

Hand-painted sign

Hand-painted sign for the riso printshop Rosi.

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