Signs of LoOove

Signs of LoOove

Hier, a signage story.
The journey of the studio began in 2017, but our love for signboards goes way back.

On this solemn occasion, we invite you to join us at our studio/huis in St-Gilles, to chat, and have a chill time while wandering though samples and examples, words and signs of ours and others, inspiring for who knows if and when, another unique signage, for you or another.
Signs of our work will be displayed  in the studio and through the neighborhood.

We will also be happy to share with you then, our very first line of "basics" signage, available in store and on our webshop.

If none of the above is tempting, we hope the words tombola and beers will get you’re a** over hier :)

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If you were a country, what would your flag be ?

If you were a country, what would your flag be ?

Saturday 21/09/24 - 14:00
Printmaking workshop for kids @
Chaussée d’Alsemberg, 30 - 1060, Saint-Gilles

Reservation through this form is required

Go wild or don’t go at all!

Unleash your creativity by composing a unique flag that encapsulates your character, if you were a country.

This workshop encourages creative expression and provides all necessary materials to make a flag to take home with.

This workshop invites participants to collaborate and design their own personal flags, using a variety of geometric and curved stamps to compose and create with, any visual they imagine. With an array of colors to choose from, making the possibilities endless..

Open to children between  6-14 years old.
English, Français,
Create your own flag.  The idea is to play with the concept of how to represent oneself visually. If you were a country, what would your flag be?

Reservation required

Remember, a good flag should be

  1. Simple.

  2. Should include meaningful symbolism, images colors and patterns that are related to what they symbolize.

  3. Use 2/3 colours, red – white -  blue -  green – yellow – black.

  4. No lettering or seals.

  5. Be distinctive.

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grand brand opening 22/09 - 16h > 21h

grand brand opening 22/09 - 16h > 21h

There will be some food, some drinks,
but mostly shelving, Because shelves is what we do.

Il y aura de la bière et des trucs à manger.
Mais bon, principalement des étagères, parce que en fait, ce qu'on fait, c'est des étagères.

rayon belge
36 rue Égide Walschaerts
1060 Saint Gilles

Er zal bier en iets om te eten zijn.
Maar vooral rekken, want rekken dat is nu eenmaal wat we doen.

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Subjects/Objects on the move

Subjects/Objects on the move

What defines mobility today? - une série de conférences organisée par HIER

Dans ces temps de nécessité et de déplacement. Dans un souci d’efficacité et de mobilité. Dans un état d’esprit d’innovation et de sobriété. Que signifie encore le terme Mobilité aujourd’hui ? Quelles transitions ? Quelles solutions pour nos villes ?
Une soirée pour donner la parole aux chercheurs, designers et industriels qui partagent ces questionnements.


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3D design to 3D print

3D design to 3D print

Venez découvrir l'impression 3D au fablab iMAL en compagnie d'un designer utilisant cette technique dans le cadre de son travail.
Thomas vous présentera l'impression 3D à dépôt de filament, son utilisation raisonnée et efficace ainsi que son intégration dans le processus de prototypage et de production.

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Everybody wants 'local', yet few are the ones actually dealing with it. We more or less would all like a boom in local production.
But why are we then still far from our target? What is a local product nowadays? Why are they more difficult to reach? Could they make a city resilient? And are they really eco-friendly?
A study day born from a conversation between HIER and iMAL; LOCALISM presents testimonies, case studies, a share of ideas and experiences, discoveries and initiative. All the ingredients necessary to fuel a debate.

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