Everybody wants 'local', yet few are the ones actually dealing with it. We more or less would all like a boom in local production.
But why are we then still far from our target? What is a local product nowadays? Why are they more difficult to reach? Could they make a city resilient? And are they really eco-friendly?
A study day born from a conversation between HIER and iMAL; LOCALISM presents testimonies, case studies, a share of ideas and experiences, discoveries and initiative. All the ingredients necessary to fuel a debate.
ATTENTION: The talks during this conference will be in French.
ENTRANCE: FREE (Limited capacity: First come = first serve)
HOURS: Saturday: 15h - 22h / Sunday: 10h - 15h
COVID MEASURES: More information here
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TALK20 Suivant un format court et efficace, les intervenants proposent un aperçu simple et bref des projets qui les animent.
Pictures by Caroline Lessire
Videos coming soon…
15:00→16:00 - PermaFungi
A cooperative with a social purpose, based in Brussels, that recycles coffee grounds. Two observations are at the origin of the project; the abundance of urban waste and the fairly high unemployment rate among young people. In 2003 was launched the research to recycle coffee grounds and feed it into the production of oyster mushrooms, providing a stable and permanent job for young Brussels residents. After a pilot phase led in the cellar of Tanneurs’ workshops, the project moved and then settled in the cellars of Tour et Taxi.
Picture by PermaFungi
16:00→17:00 - Users Matter - Olivier Wathelet
Well known phenomenon and relatively old, Localism illustrates the issues and tensions inherent in the promotion of "local" consumption. Going from controlled designation of origin to “new cuisine”, from regional kitchens to shared gardens, there are many initiatives that question the role of consumers in the evolution of food production systems. Without being straightforward, this effort presents several challenges both in terms of the uses and the promotion of these practices. We propose to discuss several of them looking at the risks identified by anthropologists and sociologists of food.
Picture by valentin Nauton
17:00→18:00 - Fablab:Open discussion
As a space located in the heart of the city, and dedicated to research, how can a fablab contribute to the development of projects/products in its environment?
Open discussion between active members in the sector.
Picture by Eline Willaert
18:00→19:00 - VeloFabrik
Between 2015 and 2017, in the heart of Anneessens neighbourhood, Velofabrik produced and assembled bikes. This project with a social purpose, mixing experience and know-how, was clumsy in appearing ahead of its time.
A look back at a bygone project that opened up many horizons around it.
Picture by Toma Gerkens
19:00→20:00 - BC Materials
Transforming excavated soil from construction sites into building materials, BC materials wants to help Belgians achieve their climate goals and improve the indoor quality of life in their projects. Transforming the raw earth from construction sites into local materials such as compressed earth blocks, plasters or even rammed earth for walls and floors, this project is a work in progress.
20:00→21:00 - Talk 20*20”
In a short and efficient format, the speakers would be giving a brief overview on the projects they are leading.
Aria Ann, Esther Bapsalle, Pauline Jourdan, Justin Lallieux, Marilys Tran, We Live Small
21:00→22:00 - Screenings
Screenings of various (short) films/documentaries related to the subject.
SUNDAY 10:00→18:00 - Repair Café
Enjoy your Sunday by having a cup of coffee while repairing your clothes.
Is your sewing machine not working? We would also be repairing your machines or any equipment related to the discipline on this special sewing day.