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Where dogs and cats feel home. Our story with Canine started with a Bone, then another Bone facing it, to sign their cool presence in Saint-Gilles. The collaboration then expanded to cover the design of their new second store in Flagey.

Where dogs and cats feel home

Our story with Canine started with a Bone, then another Bone facing it, to sign their cool presence in Saint-Gilles.
The collaboration then expanded to cover the design of their new second store in Flagey.

From identity to furniture to signage. And we had joy and we had fun, and with the yellow color we hoped to get the sun, to dog/cat paradise.
As for the shelving systems we placed, one system, s.alu, is rented from Rayon Belge for the back store. As for the shelves in the front, they are made from steel and reused scraps of wood.
And to pimp the store even more, decoratively speaking, and to add a touch of personal/animal to it, we went building customer loyalty approach. For that, a photoshoot of the clients was organized, their feedback on Canine was noted, and the result is proudly exhibited in the different corners of the Canine No.02 store in Flagey.

Photos & Video by Luciana L. Schütz AKA Lulu.

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