Spaces Billas Thomas Spaces Billas Thomas

100th Territory

This place is your place. A hundred times.
It is redefined. Limited by walls, and edges.
Some even call it a non-territory of the multidisciplinary.

Pop-up store

This place is your place. A hundred times.
It is redefined. Limited by walls, and edges. Dispossessed. Some even call it a non-territory of the multidisciplinary.
It is not ours. It is your place.
It used to be Belgium.
Now it travels.
It pops up in Maasmechelen Village. It is powered by MAD.

Pictures and video: © Maasmechelen Village 2019 09/19
Special thanks to L’Ouvroir for the support.

Pop-up store
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Spaces Billas Thomas Spaces Billas Thomas

Bar Rodin + Duvel

On the first day there was Duvel. A gift to Bar Rodin they wanted to make.
When HIER began to design the benches and the bars— the courtyard was without straight floor, and it was dark over the night— HIER said: Let there be also light.

Duvel event

On the first day there was Duvel. A gift to Bar Rodin they wanted to make.
When HIER began to design the benches and the bars— the courtyard was without straight floor, and it was dark over the night— HIER said: Let there be also light.
Let there be an aisle of benches leading to the two symmetrical bars on the two sides of the entrance hall.
Let the benches be made out of lines, forcing the perspective into the Holy middle. And let those lines rest on stone. Or concrete.
Let the D’s of DUVEL be symmetrical too. With one mirroring the other.
Let them be embossed in the concrete.
Let the concrete be flexible, be smart, and adapt to the levelled floor.
And on the last day, there came people. They celebrated. And stained.
A mark of use.

Some pictures are from Eline Willaert

Duvel event
Duvel event
Duvel event
Duvel event
bar events
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Products, OLD 01 Billas Thomas Products, OLD 01 Billas Thomas

Brasserie de la Senne

Design a beer glass specifically for the brewery, one that is not picked from a catalogue

Design a beer glass specifically for the brewery, one that is not picked from a catalogue
A particular care should be given for the conservation of the foam

The straight sides of the glass (which is not common in beer glasses) is a “vitrine” for the beer
The converging neck tightens the aromas 

The aim was to design a glass that is in between the calice of a special beer and the simple glass of the table beer, perfectly representing the philosophy of Brasserie de la senne, a beer for connoisseurs, without elitism.

Design a beer glass
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Products, OLD 01 Billas Thomas Products, OLD 01 Billas Thomas

Water Bank

A permanent fountain for the city of Brussels. Designed to stay. To resist. To promote Vivaqua tap water. As a drinking water.

Vivaqua - design fontain

A permanent fountain for the city of Brussels. Designed to stay. To resist. To promote Vivaqua tap water. As a drinking water.
The fountain is completely produced by the maintenance workshops of Vivaqua.
The design takes into consideration the maintenance, and all the parts are easily accessible and replaceable.

Photos by: MIKO/MIKO Studio

The water exit cannot be contaminated. The design provides surfaces for branding. And for tagging. And a step for children not be jumping.

Where in Brussels ?

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